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Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters
Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters
  • 定價:1120


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      Whether it's a bad relationship, a dead-end career, or a harmful habit, Dr. McGraw's 10 Life Laws will empower you to take responsibility for your own actions and break free from self-destructive patterns. Drawing upon more than fifteen years of experience, Dr. McGraw explores each of the 10 Life Laws necessary to succeed:

      Life Law #1: You either get it, or you don't.

      Strategy: Become one of those who gets it.

      Life Law #2: You create your own experience.

      Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life.

      Life Law #3: People do what works.

      Strategy: Identify the payoffs that drive your behavior and that of others.

      Life Law #4: You cannot change what you do not acknowledge.

      Strategy: Get real with yourself about your life and everybody in it.

      Life Law #5: Life rewards action.

      Strategy: Make careful decisions and then pull the trigger.

      Life Law #6: There is no reality; only perception.

      Strategy: Identify the filters through which you view the world.

      Life Law #7: Life is managed; it is not cured.

      Strategy: Learn to take charge of your life.

      Life Law #8: We teach people how to treat us.

      Strategy: Own, rather than complain about, how people treat you.

      Life Law #9: There is power in forgiveness.

      Strategy: Open your eyes to what anger and resentment are doing to you.

      Life Law #10: You have to name it before you can claim it.

      Strategy: Get clear about what you want and take your turn.


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